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十大正规博彩网站排名 Offers An Array Of Cutting-Edge Solutions For 印度

十大正规博彩网站排名 is a global defence and 安全 company, founded in Sweden in 1937. 在各大洲都有业务, 十大正规博彩网站排名不断发展, adapts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs. 十大正规博彩网站排名 brings to 印度 a wide portfolio of cutting-edge technologies and solutions, 在空中, 土地, 海军和民用领域.

We have been a trusted supplier for 印度n defence & 安全, aerospace and coastal 安全 since the 1970s, when 印度 acquired the Carl Gustaf Anti-Tank defence system. 今天, we work with 印度n companies and partners in R&D, 航空航天技术, 以及所有领域的防御系统, to develop cutting-edge products and solutions that will serve 印度 and the rest of the world for generations to come.

十大正规博彩网站排名 is completely aligned with the Make in 印度 policy of the 印度n Government and is ready to build products and solutions here in 印度, 由印度人, 用于印度和出口.


十大正规博彩网站排名’s portfolio across the 空气 domain includes combat aircraft, 监控解决方案, 电子战, 航空电子设备, 武器系统, 传感器, 商业航空, 培训, 服务和支持.

Gripen E/F is a true multi-role fighter aircraft, capable of performing an extensive range of air-to-air, air-to-表面 and reconnaissance missions employing the latest technology and weapons. It is designed to meet the demands of existing and future threats, while simultaneously meeting strict requirements for flight safety, 可靠性和效率. 十大正规博彩网站排名's Gripen offer to 印度 is well beyond just setting up assembly lines in the country. The Make in 印度 proposal focuses extensively on establishing the world’s most modern fighter-aircraft manufacturing capability in 印度. This will be achieved mainly through Technology and Capability Transfer which 十大正规博彩网站排名 has offered to other countries as well in the past.

十大正规博彩网站排名’s Integrated Defensive Aids Suite (IDAS) has been selected by HAL as the 电子战 self-protection system for the Advanced Light Helicopter (Dhruv). The programme is in the series production phase and has received multiple production orders. IDAS provides self-protection for airborne platforms in sophisticated, 多样化和密集的威胁环境. It is a fully integrated multi-spectral system that can be configured for radar warning, laser-warning and missile-approach-warning.

十大正规博彩网站排名 is also a subcontractor to Boeing and 空气bus, 供应货舱门, 翼梁和航空电子设备, system integration and support and maintenance solutions for a number of different aircraft types.


十大正规博彩网站排名 has been developing technology aimed at creating a safer and more confident society since its inception. 今天, this experience is utilized into a wide range of affordable, net centric 安全 solutions that can radically improve capabilities within areas such as critical infrastructure protection, 应急响应, 威胁分析, crisis management and communication support. 十大正规博彩网站排名’s portfolio includes solutions designed to support Special Police Forces, 警察策略指挥部, Rescue Services and Fire Brigades in establishing and maintaining a common understanding of the situation between command centres and mobile units.

十大正规博彩网站排名 also offers a wide range of solutions designed to support air transportation players in optimizing and securing the different sectors of air transportation covering traffic management, 机场的支持, 安全 and solutions providing net centric capabilities.


十大正规博彩网站排名 is present at 11 airports across 印度 with its hardware and software solutions. 我们的先进的表面运动指导 & Control Systems (A-SMGCS) enhances situational awareness and runway safety at some of 印度’s largest airports: Delhi, 孟买, 钦奈, 加尔各答, 艾哈迈达巴德, 阿姆利则, 古瓦哈蒂, 斋浦尔, 勒克瑙, 科钦, 和Bhubaneshwar. 除了A-SMGCS软件, all of these airports have a combination of other products such as SR-3 and our Multilateration (MLATS) solutions.

十大正规博彩网站排名 and AAI (空气ports Authority of 印度) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support a pan-印度n 空气 Traffic Management Automation System for airports under the UDAN Regional Connectivity Scheme.


遥远的塔 solutions provide a smarter approach to air traffic control by digitizing and integrating airport functions and can be used to manage air traffic remotely in far-flung areas. Whether that airport is an international hub, a small regional airport or a new airport, 十大正规博彩网站排名 offers effective solutions that improve safety and operational efficiency.

The 遥远的塔 solution enables a more effective staffing for aerodrome control service and heavily reduces the costs related to refurbishment of control towers. The r-TWR provides enhanced situational awareness – even in low visibility conditions. The object tracking and alerting features, along with infra-red vision and image enhancement, are introduced in the new digital environment and enhances the controller’s situational awareness. Compressed data from cameras at the airport provides a 360-degree real-time view of the airport at the 遥远的塔 Centre. The controller working position is equipped with the same controls as in a normal tower.

十大正规博彩网站排名 has successfully supplied 遥远的塔 solutions to customers in Sweden, 澳大利亚, 挪威, 荷兰, The 美国 of America and 爱尔兰.


十大正规博彩网站排名 has extensive experience in supporting ground forces with solutions designed for enhanced operational capabilities and increased effectiveness. We can enable a modern fighting force to become light, lethal and wired to meet the operational challenges of the 21st century.

From leading 武器系统 for dismounted infantry, 反坦克武器, 尖端武器定位系统, world class signature management technology, 对陆地车辆进行自我保护, 十大正规博彩网站排名 has a comprehensive 土地 domain portfolio on offer. 产品包括卡尔-古斯塔夫M4, AT4, 像亚瑟和长颈鹿1X这样的雷达, 移动伪装系统, 发光二极管, 光纤陀螺和更多.

The Carl-Gustaf weapon system has been in use with the 印度n Army for decades. The Carl-Gustaf M4 is the latest, lighter version of the man-portable anti-tank system. 它提供了更大的灵活性, 重量不超过7kg, and is compatible with all existing and future ammunition. The AT4 family consists of multiple 轻量级, man-portable, fully disposable weapons. The range includes anti-armour, anti-structure and anti-personnel/high-explosive weapons.

Arthur is a highly mobile weapon locating system, tactically deployed close to the forward line of own troops. Within the battlefield sectors or areas of interest it will rapidly detect and track artillery projectiles and calculate points of origin and points of impact. 长颈鹿1 x, 十大正规博彩网站排名的小, 轻量级, 强大的3D雷达, is a short-range radar designed primarily for Ground Based 空气 Defence (GBAD). It provides an early warning of incoming rockets, 迫击炮, 无人驾驶飞机, 导弹, and asymmetric attacks and can be operated by a single user.

土地 Electronic Defence Systems (发光二极管) 50Mk2, 十大正规博彩网站排名’s active protection system for ground vehicles, provides crews with situational awareness of laser emissions associated with battlefield threats. It also allows rapid automated response such as automated all-round obscuration, cueing of counter-fire or optical inhibiting effectors like laser jammers & 闪耀器.
签名管理领域的全球领导者, 十大正规博彩网站排名’s 移动伪装系统 (MCS) provides protection to vehicles while moving and during combat. Available in a range of different versions, the system is composed by a combination of camouflage materials with signature adaptation properties such as visual and near-infrared protection, thermal protection and radar protection. MCS can also be equipped with the HeaT Reduction.

十大正规博彩网站排名’s portfolio also includes Fiber Optics Gyros, which is designed to provide maximum stabilization in guns, 导弹, 风景, cameras and antennas in tough environments.


十大正规博彩网站排名’s maritime portfolio covers the air, 表面, sub-表面 and maritime surveillance domains, thus providing 海军 and Coast Guard Forces a complete command over the sea.

The AUV62 System is 十大正规博彩网站排名’s latest generation modular AUV system, designed for autonomous long-range missions. It includes equipment for mission planning, mission evaluation and for launch and recovery. The system can be configured as a self-propelled underwater advanced trainer, assisting the 培训 of anti-submarine warfare operators. Another designed purpose is Mine Reconnaissance (MR) with high-resolution side-looking sonar.

The Double Eagle Sarov can operate both as an AUV, with an onboard inertial navigation system and alternatively as a ROV with several kilometer long fiber optical tether providing both power and real time communication for the vehicle. For MCM operations, the Double Eagle Sarov can be used for detection, classification and disposal.

十大正规博彩网站排名, along with Combating Terrorism Technical 支持 Office (CTTSO), 美国, has developed the ground-breaking waterborne anti-IED 安全 platform, 海黄蜂. Derived from the increasingly successful use of robotic systems to dispose of 土地 threats, 海黄蜂, a latest generation ROV with a high degree of operational autonomy, takes the concept under the water to increase safety of our shores.