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From dominating beyond visual range (BVR) missions to engaging in dogfights, Gripen E's weapon system covers all bases. The fighter can carry a payload of 10 weapons to conduct a wide variety of offensive and defensive missions. Read on to learn about a few of the many weapon types that can be used with Gripen to maximise its lethality.



Best in class to maintain air dominance, build pressure and diminish the opponent's material strength in any air-to-air mission, Meteor provides Gripen with powerful and lethal stand-off capabilities. "Meteor offers an operational range of much more than 100 kms, and currently has the largest No-escape Zone (NEZ) among air-to-air missiles. Meteor's unique Ramjet throttled propulsion system helps it maintain very high energy throughout its flight, resulting in a much higher probability of intercept against any air target. 对于像印度空军这样的现代空军来说, the Meteor capability will be an absolute gamechanger,肯特-Åke莫林说, 十大正规博彩网站排名的销售和市场总监.

流星BVRAAM检测, tracks and locks onto its targets using a jamming-resistant active radar seeker and proximity fuse, which makes the missile highly resistant to enemy countermeasures, 确保命中. It is also equipped with a two-way datalink, a unique feature compared to almost any other air-to-air missile today, which provides the pilot with valuable information during the missile's 参与ment. With this feature, the missile can also be retargeted mid-course, if required.

IRIS-T - Dominating the Short-Range Clash

The IRIS-T missile is the next-generation within visual range air-to-air missile built with an all-encompassing design that can detect, track, 参与, 击败任何空中目标, even in dense modern countermeasure environments.

The solid propellant motor of IRIS-T gives it the capability to travel at the supersonic speed of Mach 3 with a range of more than 25 kilometres. 由于其推力矢量控制, the IRIS-T can 参与 highly manoeuvrable targets, 即使他们就在你身后. With its high resolution imaging wide-angle infrared seeker, the missile can flexibly discriminate countermeasures from real targets. 此外, the IRIS-T's Lock-on After Launch capability enables flexible target 参与ment beyond what is possible with previous missile designs. For example, it can lock onto targets after it has been launched from the aircraft.

TAURUS KEPD – 350 – The long range 空气 to Surface Missile

空对地作战, the focus often also lies on the stand-off strike segment, 具有高度战略价值的能力. 为了这次任务, Gripen E can be fitted with the TAURUS strike missile, which provides unbeatable long-range strike capability against multiple target types and complexes. TAURUS missile maintains survivability by cruising at the nap of earth, providing cover from detection by means of physical terrain, which also means very efficient use of the missile's range. 由于它非常强大, 聪明的, 可伸缩的弹头, 最常, only one missile hit will be required to achieve the desired effect. Gripen E and TAURUS provide a very important strategic deterrent against any threat.


With guided bombs, very high accuracy against fixed, moving and manoeuvring targets can be achieved. Gripen E uses a mix of guided and unguided munitions, 比如Mk 80系列, 铺路和增强铺路.

For stand-off precision strike missions, where also often collateral damage control is required, Gripen uses GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb and/or the Spice series munition.

"Gripen E is the most advanced fighter of this generation. Its flexible architecture allows weapons of all kinds to be easily integrated. 如果印度空军选择鹰狮, it can choose munitions of any combination from any country for its requirements,肯特-Åke莫林说.

毛瑟BK27 -近距离战斗枪

Next to the flexible weapons arsenal al读y mentioned, 当然, Gripen E also has a powerful gun for close-range air-to-air and air-to-ground 参与ments. The fighter aircraft is equipped with one of the most reliable guns – the 27 millimeter Mauser. 由Mauser-Werke Oberndorf开发, 德国, the gun is equipped with a first-of-its-kind linkless ammunition feeding system which is less prone to stoppage and occupies less space.
所有 in all, with its comprehensive weapon suite, Gripen handles every threat situation. And should the 印度n 空气 Force choose Gripen and require a weapon not yet used on the fighter, 它可以很容易地集成.