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AIS/vd Network Solutions

Saab的AIS /vd网络解决方案提供了一流的海事通信解决方案和作为SaaS提供的现代海事管理软件套件的组合.


Customized solutions for different needs
Class-leading maritime communication solutions
Network solutions powered by advanced SaaS
Partner with Saab for a complete AIS Network experience


Pioneering the AIS Standard

In the early 2000s, AIS became a pivotal requirement for larger vessels, effectively managing maritime traffic across our oceans. Saab played a pioneering role in establishing the AIS standard, first in market with a certified AIS transponder. 现在, as this proven technology takes its next leap, we are at the forefront of pioneering the future once again. This time we are racing towards vd.

vd: Evolution of Communication

vd, or VHF Data Exchange System - rooted in AIS, operates as a comprehensive radio communication system, 连接船只, 海岸电台, 和卫星. vd无缝地支持传统的地面路由和通过卫星的全球路由. 随着无线电频谱的有效利用和对日益增长的数据需求的响应, vd stands as the next evolution.

Advanced Technology for the Future

vd introduces advanced techniques, 提供更高的数据速率和强化的网络安全作为其核心要素. 这些创新不仅确保了更快、更高效的数据传输,还确保了对网络威胁的强大保护, 使vd成为现代海上通信的可靠和安全的选择. 其前瞻性的特点将重新定义海上互联互通的标准.

AIS/vd Network Expertise at Your Fingertips

We lead in AIS and vd technology, offering expertise, 软件, and products to construct maritime infrastructures for rivers, offshore operations, 海岸线, 水面舰艇, 和飞机. 我们为通信和控制提供完整的模块化和灵活的网络解决方案, 它可以扩展到附加的传感器,如雷达和摄像头. 我们的解决方案优先考虑现代网络安全,并提供加密和安全的数据通信. With versatile 软件 architecture, you can opt for on-premises installation or a cloud-based service (SaaS). Integration with systems from other manufacturers is seamless, augmenting them with vd and the latest e-Navigation technologies. With decades of experience in AIS and extensive vd expertise, 我们是您AIS和vd网络技术的理想集成合作伙伴.

Everything Connected

Global networks represent the future expansion of vd technology, and we are leading this development. 随着时间的推移, 基站, 转发器, terrestrial networks, and vd satellites will interconnect, forming a global vd network. 靠近海岸, 基站 serve as access points, while in open seas beyond base station reach, vd satellites step in as access points.

Teaming up with Saab

We stand at the forefront of AIS and vd technology, offering innovative, efficient solutions that enhance your capabilities. 与我们合作,在AIS和vd技术领域保持领先地位.


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