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重要网络 - Safeguarding our future

Increased use of online platforms to compute, 网络和存储数据, means increasing exposure to cyber based danger. 十大正规博彩网站排名在关键网络公司的报价包括最强有力的保障措施,以最有效的方式应对这些问题.

Mitigating network failures and information loss

High degree of automation for systems control and management
Vast experience within information security and classified systems
Integrated service-, 设计- - - - - -, and product organization

系统复杂性和人为因素是造成网络故障和信息丢失最常见的根本原因. 为了应对这些挑战,我们的设计规则被构建为保留非必需的功能(例如.g. 死代码). 同时,我们的解决方案在系统控制和管理方面具有高度的自动化,以接近零接触,从而降低复杂性,从而降低网络故障的风险.


Affordability by infrastructure cost sharing

在整个系统生命周期中维护保证和安全级别是至关重要的. By utilizing a number of different solutions, we manage to increase trustworthiness in both hardware and software. This enables infrastructure cost sharing (e.g. XaaS)通过减轻信任赤字的机制,这反过来意味着提高可负担性. 让我们给你看一些例子:

  • 我们的专利:
    • Moving Target Defense-solution for micro-segmentation and
    • AI/ML based defensibility mechanism to countermeasure incidents.
  • Supply chain attacks are efficiently safeguarded by our Software Supply Chain, 这能确保我们保持控制.
  • By applying formal methods to the data plane implementation, 提高了软件定义网络解决方案的信息保障水平.
  • Physically separated user- and management plane.
  • 所有在关键网络工作的十大正规博彩网站排名人员都有适当的安全许可.


我们在信息安全和机密系统方面的长期丰富经验, 确保我们可以通过所需的框架和认证流程来引入联合项目,以确保所需的安全级别.

The threat landscape and damage control

除了, 我们持续监控威胁形势,并在最坏的情况下提供高速补丁服务,以确保损害控制,从而维持商定的服务水平.


补充我们的服务, 我们还可以为您的特定需求提供现成的和量身定制的网络和安全元素,例如:
  • Software defined Cross Domain Solutions such as;
    • 零信任策略实施点(PEP),使用api来支持诸如 siem. E.g.
      • PEP支持时间敏感目标,利用联邦任务网络倡议中的数据中心安全,实现伙伴国家之间的Day-Zero互操作性. See video below from 2021 Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise (CWIX).
    • 二极管、滤波器(含. 流数据),旁路等
    • Crypto, Firewall, Data classifiers, etc
  • Data center fabric including L2 switching, L3路由,支持一组选定的军用/民用标准化/专有访问解决方案.
  • Deterministic and defendable datalink networks with deployable land nodes, e.g. through DCIS, airborne and naval nodes. 阅读下面的更多内容.
Thrustworthy networks for collaboration

Watch and listen to our 产品 Manager, Stefan Hagdahl, when he explains our offer within 重要网络.

视频- 1:40
Highly integrated process – cost efficiency through the lifecycle

我们的综合服务, 设计- - - - - -, 产品组织确保了一个安全和加速的数字化过程. Combined with our extensive training solutions, and continuous operational development, it result is a cost effective solution throughout the system lifecycle.



...十大正规博彩网站排名开发了RAKEL? The Swedish national digital communications system, used by the emergency services and others in the fields of civil protection, 公共安全及保安, emergency medical services and healthcare, is the world's geographically largest TETRA public safety network. Here are some other major achievenments within the area of 重要网络.

  • 维护和发展瑞典武装部队通信系统Försvarets Telenät (FTN).
  • 维护和发展Svenska Kraftnät的配电传输系统.
  • RAKEL -在国家完整性关键属性的大集合中不断增加覆盖范围.
ISO 27001
十大正规博彩网站排名关键网络通过了ISO 27001 -信息安全管理体系认证


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