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Saab Global
Safe airport

安全 空气port

增强安全态势感知是一个用于关键任务操作的开放式集成软件平台. 安全 is used in command and control rooms at places like airports, 执法行动中心和最高安全级别的惩教设施.

Key features


Better Decisions, Faster


安全集成并连接了控制室的所有元素,并分发信息,以提高“正常”日常操作的性能, as well as during the most challenging incidents and crises. 安全强大的嵌入式规则引擎使用户能够与所有连接的用户实时无缝协作, 提供即时信息和决定和沟通最佳行动方案的能力. 外管局储存所有信息,并能提供详细的事件报告,有助于吸取经验教训,并表明遵守了指导方针和法规.

空气port Applications

Facilitating the movement of airplanes, passengers and cargo in the most efficient, safe and secure way is the number one priority, and a shared interest, of all airport stakeholders. With an integrated collaborative environment provided by 安全, 所有各方都可以通过自动化标准流程的能力获益,并对任何异常事件保持警惕.

所有机场的利益相关者都需要具备适应性、前瞻性和预见性,才能有效运作. 安全为用户提供最新的数据以及精确的资源管理工具,以协调所需的响应. 外管局提供数据驱动的仪表板,可以即时了解机场近期和长期运行状况的关键绩效指标. As more data sources are integrated into 安全, such as Saab’s Surface Management system, Ae抢劫ahn, predictive guidance on event flows, such as passenger and airplane flows, can be provided. 安全和aeroahn是十大正规博彩网站排名机场整体管理解决方案的核心, offering the capability for integrated airside, landside and terminal operations.

Public Safety and Law Enforcement applications

With 安全, emergency response services, 警方和救援部门可以同时访问一个共同的情况图片,以共享情报和简化资源. 那些在前线的人可以实时获取信息, integrating communication, advanced resource planning, and decision-making tools. Operations are well prepared, having assigned the right resources, at the right place, 及时使用外管局内置的先进计算机辅助调度(CAD)引擎.

安全 空气port

Did you know...

  • 安全 has over 35 deployments world wide ranging from airports, police forces, public transport systems, to maximum security correctional facilities.
  • 外管局是一个集成平台,可以很容易地与其他系统集成, databases and sensors, and has a growing library of successful integrations.
  • 安全 enables a secure, 健壮的, and future proof Event Management solution with a modular design, vast scalability, and extensive configurability. 

联系 us

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Martin Forser
Director Marketing and Sales


抢劫ert Brown
Director of ATM Portfolio & Strategy

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